AJH is proud to be the National Winner in the 2021 Australian Achiever Awards for Australia's Health, Fitness & Wellbeing Services!
As part of the awards process we were assessed on our time related service, client needs, care and attention, value, attitude, communication, referral and overall perception.
We are very grateful for the families that participated in giving feedback to the Australian Achiever Awards.
We are indeed very proud of this award as a reflection of our care for our participants and their families.
Our vision is to provide a holistic and inclusive service to NDIS participants with a kind, caring and highly capable attitude, supporting and providing solutions for a participants needs. We are a close-knit multi-disciplinary team that is dedicated to providing an effective service for each participant.
With our dedication to the best outcomes for you we make it our mission to give excellence in service delivery improving quality of life for each participant. We strive to give value for money while providing a flexible and tailored approach for each individual and your family and supports.
Nothing about you, without you
You have a right to a valued place in society and to contribute in ways that are meaningful to you
Supporting you to have a voice and for your voice to be heard
Connection to and with others
Access to NDIS services that suit your needs and provide you with social, emotional and physical safety to expand your opportunities
Building your capacity to meet your needs
Welcome!! Click here if you would like to submit an intake request.